We have had an exciting couple of weeks!
- James got his first big boy hair cut. (see video)
- My cousin, Amy, had a new baby, Zane (see pic above...newborn in middle, baby Sierra on right)
- My other cousin, Nikki, and her 8 month old came for a visit.
- We did the Memory Walk in honor of my grandma Doris and James was able to walk on the field of Busch Stadium.
- James can climb! Scary but true. James can get on top of furniture before knowing how to get down.
-and for the BIG news! James started walking yesterday! He has been taking a few steps here and there, but yesterday he just busted out of his shell and started walking. Even though he can walk perfectly well, he is still crawling the majority of the time...but he CAN do it! I have to get a better video of it. He's already got great balance and agility. He doesn't really have the "drunkard" wobble I was hoping to see. I never thought I'd say this, but I'm SO glad that the crawling days might be behind us. Now we can go for walks outside and he can walk in places where it is totally gross to crawl! My baby is growing up so fast!
Well, the baby may be busy but the mom isn't busy on the blog! More pics! More vids! More James!