James' Latest Stats:
- 18 pounds 9 ounces (2nd percentile)
- 29.75" long (36th percentile)
- Took 4 STEPS today!
- 1 nap a day (usually 2 - 2.5 hours)
- 12 hours sleep at night
- Finicky eater (drops most food on the floor, spits it out, shoves it into diaper)
- Loves turning lights off and on
- Words he understands (that I know of!) cat, Grizzo, doggy, ducky, froggy, hug, purple cat, drink, book, Elmo, milk, daddy, mommy, grandma, grandpa, up, walk, fish, block, baby, pee-ka-boo, uncle Paulie, Aunt Maureen, night night.
- Claps hands, waves bye-bye, cracks up when mom dances (understandably)
- Loves to dance! Breaks out into dance immediately when he hears music
- Loves books (he will bring one over to us to read to him)
- Loves to give hugs to Elmo and people
- Gets into EVERY thing now. Flushes toilets, digs into trash, opens all cabinets and drawers, pulls out pots and pans, unravels toilet paper daily. I never get a break unless he's strapped in his high chair
- Enjoys watching Sesame Street videos occasionally
- Enjoys car rides now since he can face forward
- Can still only say a few distinguishable words (momma, mommy, dad, daddy, turtle, pa...the rest is babble)
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