- Started preschool at St. Lucas. He is in Mrs. Feliciano's Green Bird class and LOVES it!
- Has been mostly potty trained since my last post in July! A few accidents here and there (usually when he's too busy playing) but has 95% graduated from diapers and pull-ups!
- Such a talkative little guy. Our favorite time is at dinner when we can talk about our day and recap all the fun things he did. It's amazing how much his vocabulary has expanded in the last year. I feel like we were just recently counting the words he could say on our hands. Now he has such a sophisticated vocabulary and is super easy to understand. Some of my favorites are, "Can I have some privacy?" when he needs to go potty, or when he starts a sentence by saying, "Actually"
- He is starting to pack on a few pounds now that he's back at Ms. GG's house around other kids. His sitter tells me some of the things he eats for lunch that he would NEVER touch in the past: brussels sprouts and pork chops to name a few! We have the world's best sitter for our boys!
- My mom (and occasionally dad) watch the boys on Tuesdays and Thursdays and take James to preschool and pick him up on those days. We all envisioned James kicking and screaming when Noni Mary left him, but to our shock and amazement, he just says, "bye Noni" and runs in to play.
- Still loves trains. One of his favorite things to do is get a whole bunch of trains and go under a blanket, "tunnel" as he calls it and make believe.
- LOVES books! We take him to the library every week and read every night at bed time.
- He's starting to really make connections between letters and words. He's known his letters for a while now, but now he'll see signs and ask me what it says. He's always shouting out letters he sees when he's in the car. Makes the reading specialist in me grin ear-to-ear!
- About a month ago he was drawing on paper and I could hear him saying some letters. I looked down and he had written the following letters: F, E, J, K, M, and O...completely legible!
We have to be a lot more careful these days with Henry on the changing table now that he's a roller! |
- They say you can tell a child's temperament from an early age. Henry was practically born smiling and continues to be the most laid back, happy baby ever! I can barely think of a time where he has been overly fussy or difficult in any way.
- Now has his two bottom teeth (they came in right at 7 months)
- Stopped swaddling at night (right at 7 months) and the second we "unwrapped" him, he rolled over onto his tummy and has slept that way ever since!
- Still takes 3 naps a day (two naps ranging from 1-2 hours, and a late afternoon nap from 5-6 p.m. I think he's outgrowing that one though. I'll miss it because it was just enough time to get dinner ready.
- Can roll over, push up and rock back in forth on his knees, can sit unassisted, and can almost go from belly back to sitting position. I think it's only a matter of weeks before he is crawling.
- Babbles and drools excessively. He is always wearing a bib and saying, "maaa maaa maaa maaa" He loves his mama!
- Eating 2 solid meals a day and about 5 bottles of formula a day
- Although he is 7 months, most of his clothes are between 9-12 months. He's a big boy! He's not fat, but has enough chub and is super long!
- His bedtime is 7 p.m. pretty much on the dot. At bedtime he takes a bath, has a bottle and we lay him down under his light up mobile. He's asleep within minutes and doesn't wake until 6:45 - 7:00 a.m. We've been blessed with 2 great sleepers! Thank God. I'm a hot mess without at least 7 hours a night!
A rare photo of the two boys together at Eckerts Apple Orchard. Henry may be 2.5 years younger than James, but he's already half his size. |
Mr. Handsome |
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James (same outfit) @ 10 months |
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Henry @ 7 months |
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Baby James |
Oh, how time flies! |
Time does fly, especially with two kiddos! Such handsome little fellas you have. Look forward to seeing you all again someday...the holidays?!