I couldn't resist putting him into James' camping chair. |
Again, this is about the best shot I could get from these two that day. Henry is stiff as a board, and James insisted on bringing "Salty" the train with him. |
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Henry wearing James' "Easter bonnet" (hey I don't have any girls so this is the best I can get!!) |
Mother's Day family pic. This one actually turned out pretty good! James is wearing his Easter outfit again. Some say he looks a bit like a used car salesman. I would agree. |
4 generations all together. From left we have Aunt Maureen, GG Shirley, Me, Henry, my mom, and James. |
Chubby cheeks! |
Aunt Maureen bought James Kermie at Build a Bear. It's the same size as Henry! |
Easter morning...James found his Easter basket while Henry watches him play. |
The Easter Baby |
This is James at the same age. He doesn't look as stiff, but he does look stunned. Maybe it's because we dressed him like a pumpkin. |
This has been a very busy month! I went back to work this week which went just as well as I had expected it to. It's amazing how much more relaxed I am about all the things that stressed me out to no end with James. It felt good to be at work again with my coworkers and seeing the kids at school also brought a big smile to my face. My substitute planned a little welcome back to work party for me with donuts, pretty flowers and a balloon. I came back at the perfect time of year too...everyone is just relaxed and riding out the last 2 weeks of school.
Henry turned 3 months old this week as well. He continues to be a pretty easy baby, but definitely is starting to teethe these days. It started with drool, and now we have gnawing on fingers, waking up more frequently from naps and even at night. He has been back to waking up twice a night now for over a week. I'm so tired, but it's nothing I can't handle. We have been giving him some Infant Tylenol and that definitely helps. He seems too little to already be teething, but I remember James starting around this age as well, and he had two teeth by the time he was five months old. Other updates on Henry:
- Smiles all the time and has even started laughing a little
- Smiles most when he hears his big brother
- Can reach out and grab objects above him
- Rolls from tummy to back
- Can stand on his legs for extended time (JUST like James at that age)
- Takes several small naps a day and one long late afternoon nap
- Takes a cat nap every day from 6:00 - 6:45 p.m. (which is precisely when we sit down for dinner so that makes life sooooo easy!)
- Goes to bed between 7:30-8:00 and will usually sleep until 5 a.m. (but with teething he has been waking around 3:00 a.m.), but will sleep until 7:30 a.m.
Updates on Mr. James:
James seems remarkably grown up to us nowadays. He is such a sweet, smart and calm little guy. He has totally adjusted to having Henry around now. Every now and then he'll go over and tickle Henry or bring him toys. Generally, he is too busy for Henry playing with trains. Wednesdays are a really fun day for James. First we go to "preschool" at the Magic House, followed by a visit to the Kirkwood Farmer's Market for some watermelon, then the local library (we borrow 7 books a week and two videos), and end with the local train station where we occasionally watch a freight car rumble by. He still loves books and has really enjoyed the variety we can choose from at the library. Unfortunately, James is starting to outgrow his naps. I don't remember the last time he napped for me. He will nap at the sitter's house, however. The good thing is that he will play for 2 hours in his pack n' play. This "quiet time" helps me get things done or take a minute to lay down, but by the evening he's pretty much toast, but in a way it's kinda nice to have him down by 7:30 rather than 8:30. Since I'm going to bed around 9:00 I at least get a little down time without the kids.
Yay for blog posts! So nice to have as an archive too, right? I love looking back through mine to re-remember everything (it gets blurry). Your boys are so cute, love that pic of Henry in the "Easter bonnet" :)