Well, everyone told me to enjoy the time when James was immobile and would sit endlessly in one place playing while I emptied the dishwasher, checked my email, did laundry, etc. Those days are officially OVER! he is a man on the move and boy can he move fast! The crawling officially started about 3 weeks ago. It was a little rough at first, but he's definitely mastered the crawl. Now he zooms straight over to the most dangerous item in the room. (What is with babies and being attracted to danger!?!) I need to get this house baby-proofed even better, but I feel it's irrelevant because we are under contract! Yup, we will soon be moving to a new house that we just put a contract on ourselves. The new place is a sprawling ranch with a really open floor plan, lots of big windows, and the icing on the cake--it has an in-ground saltwater pool! We will need to get James some swim lessons soon. Our closing date is June 8. There is so much to be done between now and then...my head is spinning. James is so active now that I'm really wondering how I'll manage to pack up our entire lives and successfully unpack it without him getting into trouble. These days I put one knee on top of him for diaper changes, otherwise he's rolled over and off. Here are some 9 month updates:
- 6 teeth (2 bottom, 4 coming in on top)
- Claps hands and waves bye bye
- Crawls, pivets, sits up, turns
- Can walk with a rolling walker
- Today pulled up into standing position
- Sleeps through night still with one long nap and one short nap
- Had first ear infection (up every 20-30 minutes all night screaming!!)
- Loves books and laughs out loud at pictures
- Weighs 16 pounds
- Says, "da da" "ma ma" "ki ki" (cat) and definitely knows other words just can't say them yet
- Laugh sounds like a really rusty door opening (you just have to hear it!)
- Super thick head full of blonde hair
- Eyes turning hazel
Wow, go James!!! He and Emmett are really so close in age and they look alike, little blondies. It is a very energetic job, mothering these spunky little boys! Imagine trying to manage a 4-yr. old drama queen at the same time! :)
ReplyDeleteI can't fathom how hard it is! I have lots of friends with 2 kids and I truly think it is the hardest job in the world. I'll be in your shoes one day...just much older and much more tired. : (