Our trip to Michigan this year was much different than years past. This time we had to rent a SUV to haul the massive amount of stuff a 5 month old needs to live a week away from home. The trip up to Michigan was pretty seamless. We left at 10 p.m. Tuesday night before Christmas and Brian drove us straight through the night. We stopped only twice for gas. James slept the entire trip! However, upon our arrival, it was morning for him and bed time for us. Luckily aunt Sarah and grandma Sandy were ready to step in so we could get some much-needed shut-eye. We had so much fun this year playing with James and showing him off to all the family members on Brian's side who had never met him. As always, we relaxed, ate yummy food, played Wii fit and DJ Hero, and stayed up late into the night. The ground was covered in snow the entire time. Christmas was really fun. James' sat on grandma Sandy's lap during gift opening. Spontaneously through our gift exchange, he started laughing and laughing. He had fun and was in a great mood the entire morning. He received so many fun new gifts. He got a Red Ryder wagon from my parents, an excersaucer, clothes, books, toys, and tons more from the Rich Family. Aunt Maureen and Uncle Jeff got him the cute little santa suit that he wore on Christmas day. Brian and I got him a door bouncer that he's probably going to enjoy when he's a little bit bigger. It was sad to leave our winter wonder-land and the entire Rich clan to return to Missouri, but James has proven to be a very easy traveler thus far.
Here are some 5 month updates:
- Eating rice cereal
- 2 lower teeth have popped through the gums
- Can now sit up and stand up with assistance
- Rolling over and spending much more time on belly
- Loves to be read to, sang to, and carried around
- Hugs us tight when around other people and doing a little shy look away thing when approached by strangers
- Noticing the cat and petting him when he comes by for a visit
- Sleeping most nights through the night still (but did not the entire visit in Michigan - probably because of the teething)
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