The last almost 2 weeks have flown by! James is starting to get used to his new surroundings, and luckily things are starting to become a little less stressful on our end too. He is a very happy baby! I guess he's not too unique in that all he does is eat, sleep, poop, repeat. I have started to work out a schedule where I can get about 7 hours of sleep at night (not in a row of course) so that has done wonders for my mental and physical health. In the morning after I feed him, I get a nice long stretch to shower, eat breakfast, have a cup of coffee, and check email before he wakes up again to eat. He most recently has had a clogged tear duct which caused his little eye to become weepy and gunky. The pediatrician told me to whip off the gunk regularly and to massage the inner corner of his eye three times a day to unclog the duct. I think this trick is working because the gunk is almost gone. He actually loves the eye massage too! It's so cute. He makes lots of noises and smiles a little while I do it. We have yet to venture into the great outdoors and I'm starting to get more than a little bit stir crazy watching the day go by out my window. Tomorrow my mom and I are probably going to make a trip to Target. Woo Hoo! Brian is back to work and studying up to prepare for his new role in a new school district. He is stressed out and also losing sleep (although I do my very best to not wake him at night I've have some nights where that was impossible). But he's managing just fine. Things are very quite around here for now!
He is soooo wittle. I just want hold him. Thanks for updating the post. We check it regularly. Wish we could see you guys soon! You guys are a precious family. Hugs and kisses-The Reyburns