Wow! Poor Henry! Not only has he been here with us for a month, but I haven't touched my blog since finding out I was pregnant with him. Needless to say, having two kids is NUTS!!! I am so busy all the time. Finding time for a shower is nearly impossible between diaper changes, snacks, house work, nursing, repeat, repeat, repeat...
All I can say is, thank goodness Mr. Henry is one chill and easy little guy. He was born on February 9. My delivery was once again induced and he came fast! Brian and I had breakfast before being admitted to the hospital, and had lunch that same day after Henry was born at 11:37 a.m. Delivery took a little over 3 hours from start to finish. Of course I was 4 cm dilated when I arrived at the hospital so that helped. He weighed almost 2 more pounds than James (7 pounds, 8 ounces) and has gained almost 2 more pounds in one month. We just had the big boy's one month check up and he weighs just shy of 10 pounds. Not to compare James and Henry all the time, but James only weighed 8 pounds at his one month appointment. He has always been in the very low percentile for weight. Not Henry! He's a little under the 50th percentile. Average isn't so bad!
What a sweetie he is! He has smiled and cooed a little. He eats every three hours round the clock, sleeps, poops, and then just chills out when he is awake. The only times he has cried has been when he is super hungry or cold from getting out of the bath. I guess it's good that he is easy, because James is definitely entering his "terrible twos!" Lately his favorite word is "NO" and he is doing things that I never dreamed my angel baby would do. For example, writing with chalk all over the wall when I'm not looking, throwing himself to the ground in a fit of rage, hitting baby Henry, throwing food, throwing toys! However, he is still sweet even though this transition has been a bit on the hard side for him. He is starting to warm up to Henry. In fact, every morning he wakes up wanting to see him. I've caught him holding his hand and laughing with/at him. It's pretty cool to see them together and imagine how fun their life is going to be growing up so close in age. So, without further ado...here's some pics of my precious BOYS!